Hygiene Policy

Our vehicles are clean and hygienic

Your safety is our number one priority, which is why we clean our vehicles after every single trip. Before you step into one of our vehicles, we ensure the following steps are taken

  1. Remove any leftover rubbish from the previous passenger—papers, receipts, water bottles, or anything else that has been left.
  2. Vacuum any dirt that has been left on the seats or floor.
  3. If dirt or stains are present, we’ll clean more thoroughly with soap and water.

With the COVID-19 pandemic highly active, we are taking extra measures to ensure your safety and wellbeing. These measures include disinfecting high-touch surfaces such as door handles, window controls, grab handles, and armrests. We will continue to undertake this cleansing process until government recommendations change.

Why is our cleaning process so rigorous?

We go through this meticulous cleaning process for a couple of reasons:

Your health is paramount to us

We ensure every step is taken to keep you healthy. By cleaning our vehicles after every trip, we help to protect you against the common cold, flu, coronavirus, and other contagious illnesses.

We take your health seriously and understand that regularly cleaning our vehicles will help to safeguard your health, and the health of other Australians using our service.

We want you to have an enjoyable experience

We are proud of our level of service, and a large part of this is ensuring every trip is as enjoyable as possible. To help achieve this, we ensure that our vehicles are spotless at all times.

What about your drivers?

If our drivers are showing signs of sickness, we do not allow them to drive and encourage them to take the time they need to recover. We do this for two reasons:

  1. We don’t want our drivers to pass on any illness they have, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. We want our drivers to be fully alert to ensure your safety.

What recommendations do you offer passengers?

If you are showing common symptoms of COVID-19 such as a fever, dry cough, or tiredness, we strongly encourage you not to travel with us, and to get yourself tested as soon as possible.

We also ask that you wash your hands before travelling with us, and if you need to cough or sneeze while you’re in one of our vehicles, please use a tissue or the inside of your elbow, and wash your hands as soon as possible afterwards.